This year saw my Tiny Pixel Brush with Small Color Count style in full swing, and opened with me having a brand-new screen-monitor-pen-display-tablet-thing on my hands. The Summer was positively crammed with drawings from the two different drawing events I took part in (forward slash invented).
As always, I made a lot more drawings than shown here this year, but here are some picks of the highest-effort, most style-reflecting, most unique, or just really nice-feeling ones.
Drawn with the new drawing tablet I got from anonymous benefactors SORMAI et al. Vulpix is SORMAI's favorite Pokemon, so it seemed appropriate. I'm especially glad with how the background turned out on this one, given how adverse I was to those at the time.
Quick scribble of an Espurr having some kind of psychic episode, spruced up with a white outline and a dithered gradient background (a technique I don't think I had used before). The image only has 4 colors, which was probably very intentional (the rings on the ears are normally yellow).
I started writing a Bug Fables Metroid AU fanfic (the events of Metroid but starring Bug Fables characters in place of certain Metroid ones) and I drew this to get an idea of what each of Team Snakemouth (Team Zebes?) would look like all armored up. Vi has the Grapple Beam, Kabbu has an energy sword horn, and Leif has the Ice Beam.
This is the year I did my dailyshinximage project, where I drew Shinx every day for a month. I got a lot better with drawing felines from doing it, for sure. This piece has some nice, warm colors, and a funny little scene.
Another Shinx image. Messy colors, messy lines, messy boy. The background color I think is just a little less brighter than some of the foreground colors, and I like the feeling that gives off.
I did Art Fight for the first time this year! At the same time as dailyshinximage! Yeah, it was pretty busy. This was my last attack of the year, featuring Fancat by user ExtraRare, and Puddles by me. I grew quite fond of these dithered gradients, as you can see.
(also there are a few stray pixels on fancat's chin that look like some kind of facial hair. that was not intentional and I very quickly noticed that after uploading it.)
Some ideas of what different kinds of Mosses look like (the Creeper-like creatures from the Pastry Parodyme which I still need to write about). Lush cave Mosses wear glow berries and are friends with axolotls, stronghold Mosses are little and very quiet, jungle Mosses have lots of colors and hang and dangle and swing with their huge legs, and forest Mosses are... I'm not sure what they do. But they're still cute like all the rest!
A painted-looking Puddles that I think came out pretty nice. All of the drawings here so far have been made with tiny pixel brushes, and I've generally tried to keep the images small and clean, but part of me still definitely loves the messy work with textures and opacity and blending.
An Art Fight attack of Noodle Bird by Backwards_Cat, although I drew it and sent it to the user long after the event was over, so it's not officially an attack. It's, as I call it, an unsolicited art harassment. Or maybe you could just call it an """""off-season attack""""" instead.
The character was fun to draw, although quite unfamiliar in many respects; I have a whole file full of sketches and scribbles from me trying to get everything right, which you can see here. Not only did this turn out well (in my view), I learned quite a bit by making it!
A pixely, pastelish one of Banana Bread looking up at the sky, which is one of my favorite things to draw as a background. Maybe a bit unseasonable for late December, but I had fun with it anyway.