Anything that's not already in a gallery goes here, including the latest drawings. Thumbnails not included, titles and descriptions not guaranteed.
25-01-11-pop.png - Pencil drawing (!!) of that Orange Creamsicles story I wrote. Tried a different design for Ethan to make him look sorta kinda more like anonymous benefactor FRAMIN. Made for a prompt challenge.
stupidgreasyboy.png - Was also thinking of drawing Oddity as a Popplio again but instead I drew his Shinx design. Which is way cooler anyway.
ftphsmmrthgklpnm - Revisiting the idea of Yuki being a Popplio. The design is very cute but I think the Shinx design better supports the idea of Oddity being a big brother figure to her.
toberepic.png - An Epic I drew while briefly attempting an October drawing challenge.
pic-20241118-2200-02.png - Somnolescent network administrator mariteaux's personal website, but drawn as a sword instead of as a website.
pic-20241105-1648-34.png - Sketches and scribbles of Noodle Bird by Backwards_Cat on Art Fight, made in the process of the drawing of them I made in the 2024 gallery.