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The Bog


A quagmire filled with decayed moss and other vegetable matter; wet spongy ground where a heavy body is apt to sink; a marsh; a morass. -1913 Webster Dictionary


Site Plans for August

I have made it through July alive! Art Fight is technically still going on, but I drew Shinx all 31 days in a row! Now that I have some more free time, (not really, the Shinx images probably took an hour a day at most and Art Fight is voluntary,) let's discuss update plans.

I'll be making pages for all the new art I made over the month, of course. I plan on building up the Writing section, too. The Characters page is huge and long outdated, so it will be dissolved and split across the different Writing pages; Mammal Cosine characters in the Mammal Cosine section, PPYY characters in the PPYY section, etc.

In addition to new stuff, there are a few already-existing things on the site that I want to improve. Namely, the Bog, and the Drawings section. The Bog is just one big page right now, and I don't like that. It makes it hard to find anything and it downloads a bunch of images and text you probably aren't gonna look at. The Drawings section has roughly the same problem, only that it's 9 big (but not as big as the Bog) pages.

The plan is to give each Bog post its own page and to have a big list of all the pages. Same with the drawings, but I want the list to have thumbnails and be split up into pages (or "paginated," as I've learned recently.) I'm working on a janky bash script to make that a whole lot easier, but it'll probably be a while before I get automatically generated lists working, so I'll just do the Bog post list manually for now.

Needless to say, I'm excited to finally do some computer stuff. Stay tuned for when I blow up my computer by writing a script that uses grep a hundred times per second.


Unprecedented Off-Site Activity

I'm drawing Shinx every day of July on Tumblr and I'm on Art Fight now. I wouldn't say I've got my plate full for the month, since I can just not do Art Fight stuff, but the table is definitely set if I want to have it be full.

I plan on making sections on here about these events, but that's a later thing.

I sure hope Neocities doesn't mind me being buddy-buddy with all these center-web sites :)


Four Years of This Cat

Happy birthday to Puddles!! This day kinda snuck up on me and I wound up not making a drawing for the occasion, so I celebrated by drinking a glass of water.

Once again, this update is coming with no new drawings. Sometime soon, I'll work on copying my newer ones over to the computer that I have the site on. Until then, here's a couple more dancing dudes.


Here's a little update, mostly to the homepage. Yeah, I know it's been two months. I had a great Easter, though. Sometime later I'm hoping to throw some new drawings on here and maybe play with some more homepage layouts, but for now, enjoy some sitely fluff.


Happy Easter! Christ is risen! Yes I'm kinda a day late, but I'm even kinda-er on time, since today and the next 48 days are also Easter.

No new pages this update, unfortunately, but there's drawing. I've been thinking about making pages on video games I play, or my habit of downloading drawings and PDFs, or some other things I do on my computer, but have not managed to get anything solid written yet. But now that it's not Lent, I can go look at other people's sites and remind myself exactly what people use these things for.

(Speaking of pages, it definitely seems like the answer to the question I had in the preceeding Bog post is a resounding "no".)

Until then, may you have a happy Easter season.


Happy last twelve minutes of Fat Tuesday! Lent is coming up rapidly and I don't know if that means I'll be working on the site less or more. Oh well. There's exactly one new link in the links page and to make up for the one or two which have mysteriously disappeared since the last update. Go check it out! And if you're offline for lent, you better check it out in the next couple minutes! Or not because that's really cutting it close!


Mammal Cosine / Intermortal update

My two way-in-the-future-goal stories, Mammal Cosine and Intermortal, have been cooking a lot in my head, so all sorts of things change about them without announcement. Even then, I probably should have mentioned this earier: Intermortal is now the second book of the Mammal Cosine series, and is now titled Mammal Cosine: Summer. As for what this means for the characters and settings of each thing, that's a secret for you to wonder about. ;)

Also Winter is coming to an end so I should probably put away the snow and mittens on the homepage soon.


Happy New Year!

Not exactly on-time but still January 1st so it still counts. Hope the past twenty-whatever hours of the year have been good to you so far and that you will continue to have some good twenty-whatever hours to come. New drawings (two, so technically plural, even though one of them isn't the one I originally wanted to finish) and remember that Secret Special Thing? Well!!!

My beloved benefactors got me an LCD tablet out of the blue! For a while now I've been suggesting it as a Christmas/birthday gift option, but moreso because it was the only purchasable thing I could think of that would enhance what I do. It was a totally out-there option that I never really expected, so shout-out to my benefactors for being totally out-there and unexpected. (The gift was actually both for me and for another benefactor of mine, another artist, but I think this is still a very generous joint gift.)

It's a little bit of a hassle to set up, so the old Wacom Intuos is not totally out of comission, but it also displays colors more correctly than my Thinkpad's screen does, so I'm in no shortage of reason to use it either. (If any of my previous drawings look over-saturated or a little dark, that's why.)

So that's how my year has been going so far (everything described here happened before the new year, I just wanted to say that.) Looking forward to making more things and filling this website with everything I love. Take care, and take the new year one twenty-whatever hours at a time.


Merry Christmas

Christus natus est! Hope you all are having a good Christmas so far, and sorry I didn't manage to get this out on literal actual Christmas day (or the next day, or the day after that,) but it was quite busy that day (the rest of the days, though, I don't really have an excuse.)

This is a very itty-bitty update: one little old drawing in the painting section (though I'm not actually sure how much it counts as a painting since it was made with exclusively opaque pixel brushes... whatever, it's a pretty little environment piece, it belongs in the painting section.)

More drawings will be happening eventually, especially considering a Secret Special Thing from an anonymous benefactor, but until then, I wish you a merry Christmastide season, and a happy liturgical new year.


So I finally made that drawing-uploading script I was talking about. It made it through testing, although I did briefly overwrite the drawings page by accident, (which had nothing to do with the script; just regular forgetfulness,) so here's a reminder to make backups! I'll be using the script to upload some drawings probably in this same update.

In other news, I've done some work on the general outline of my quadruple crossover fanfic, the Pastry Parodyme, but I'm also thinking of getting distracted by a Bug Fables-Metroid crossover. Ok, I already got distracted with it, and I've been doing teensy bits of work on it over the past few weeks. But I'm considering becoming even more enamored with the idea of giving Kabbu an energy sword.


Unus Annus Huius Siti

Happy birthday PastryPurgatory! While the site launched January 31st of this year, and my Neocities account long before that, I first started working on this site a year ago today.

Since then, the site has grown quite a bit, I'd say. There's about 11 individual features now, and one of those is the Drawings section, which is quite large. Still, there's definitely more to be done: I'm hoping to have this place be full of pages you can get lost in; those kind of sites are some of the most fun I've had on the net.

As for updates, the home page has a new winter style, but there's also the new writings section! ...Yeah, there's only one thing there, but I figured I should put it here since it's already been up on Tumblr for months.

This year has been a lot of fun, (with regards to the site, at least,) and I hope to keep making it great in the coming year!


Been reading quite a few books lately. Just yesterday I finally finished The Glass Sentence by S.E. Grove, (which was great, and fun, and very interesting, but definitely a more involved read than what I'm used to,) last week I finished The Eighth Day by Dianne K. Salerni, (which was also very fun, and I like the lore, and it was easier on the brain,) and before that I read The Spiderwick Chronicles, (I didn't think books lended themselves well to an short, episodic format, but I guess anything's possible.)

All of these were suggested by the Tumblrites, (I polled exactly two of them for recommendations and got quite a lot from them,) so big thanks to them. I am very glad to have read them, and I intend to finish the Eighth Day trilogy and maybe the Mapmakers trilogy before attempting to take on the works of Tolkien (I picked up The Fellowship of the Ring as a backup book a little while back and the words are just about as densely packed as the footnotes in my Bible.)

Also, by the time you're reading this, the home page will have changed in appearance. Despite how snowy the new theme is, no, it has not actually snowed that much where I live. Just let me dream, ok?


Hey, look at that another update. Plenty of new stuff in this one, should keep your clicking finger busy for a good few minutes.

Okay yeah it has in fact been almost two months since the last update. I know. I think one little thing that could help me stay in the flow of updating the site would be making it easier to upload drawings. Currently, it's a very manual process to put the file and generate the thumbnail and type in the right filename and all that, so I'm thinking of making a shell script for that.

The site's first birthday is coming up soon, which is baller. Almost-regular updates for one whole almost-year straight. How about that.


Whoo. I said that it would take forever to finish updating this site, and it sure is. Mostly just because my week has been busy and what little time I had to spare, I wound up wasting (or spending on something also worthwhile.) New drawings have been added to every category. That's right, behind all nine of those squares in the drawing page, you'll find at least one new thing. You may also find some things missing too but that's not what this is about. When you do the math, it's a net gain. Don't do the math.


It's October Now

Hey looky there, I decided to get this website back into shape. There are a few new things but it's gonna take forever to do make all the changes I want so think of this as, like, October Update Part One. Thank you for your patience, now go enjoy some warm colors and cold weather.


I need to draw Epic holding Oddity like a puppy because he's small and B-Bread is on top of his head or something because he's even smaller and they're all friends. Hehoo.


Technical difficulties

Sorry about the lack of updates, there's something weird happening with me trying to update my site. I'll try and look in to it but if you can see this then I guess it works now.

Aaaaand yep it's working fine now. Guess a wizard did it.


The Zelda game has been absorbing a large portion of my time and somehow a larger portion of my anonymous benefactors' time. I'm uploading some drawings and I've only already uploaded most of them elsewhere.


I've been doing a little pixel art lately. I wonder if I should make an art section for that. Anyways here's the worlds smallest Bubble Cat.


Happy Easter!

Christ is risen, Alleluia! The day has been good, I spoke with friends, and I was given a chocolate cross, which I didn't know you could do.

that's really all there is to say on the matter!


Aw man I totally should've done some kind of April Fools joke. Well there's other years.

In other news, using the aforementioned LOVE framework (I still don't know how to get that weird O to display right) has led me down a rabbit hole of nerd schist and now I'm learning C instead. I'm in too deep. I know what a pointer is, I'm finally starting to really get for loops, I'm on page 19 of the manual.


I've spent most of the past few days learning to code games with LOVE. Maybe I could make a page on that sometime.


Bog post format foolery

I'm messing around with a new format for the bog posts that will make the divide between posts more clear. Well actually it's already clear enough with the subheaders, but I want it to look less official so I can make stupid irrelevant posts like the Pokemon Rumble one below.

I'm gonna have to adjust every post on here first though, and that will take a lot of time. Or some wizard stuff.

Update: it took both.


Pokemon Rumble

Completely irrelevant but I just finished playing the best game of Pokemon Rumble of my life. It was me and two anonymous associates playing, and it was normal at first, at least until I found a Probopass, which knew Magnet Bomb.

Now Magnet bomb fires three projectiles which home in on enemies, explode, and produce a lot of particles, so the game was lagging quite a bit. We were joking about the three of us using Magnet Bomb and crashing the Wii.


When one of those associates stopped playing, the other one switched to a Magnezone, who also knew Magnet Bomb, and we went to the level we were having trouble on.

It was a steamroll. A slow, laggy steamroll (Magnet Bomb doesn't do that much damage and enemies in Advanced Rank A have a lot of health.) Well one of us got offed at the boss but he kept his integrity by switching to an Eevee with Helping Hand.

We did the Battle Royale by normal means I think, along with the bulk of Rank S, but we also went and got a bunch more Magnezone, none of whom knew Magnet Bomb, so we wound up spending 60000 coins on teaching it to one. Then we called back the other player who left, and tried doing the Battle Royale using Magnet Bomb exclusively.

It was a steamroll. For us. We got steamrolled. It was a really dumb idea and it didn't work.

But we didn't give up. We went and got even more Magnezone and managed to get three more who knew Magnet Bomb, and roped a secret fourth associate into playing with us. And we went back to the Battle Royale.

The new player took to the job of pressing the Magnet Bomb button and following commands well, but it was still hard. We lost two of our lives and I was commanded to switch to an Infernape with Close Combat to fight the Creation Trio while the rest of them bullied Mewtwo with an obscene number of magnet bombs, but we eventually did it. We won. And the Wii didn't catch fire. Actually the framerate didn't even get that bad.

That was all the gaming I think I can bear for now.


I have internet again

The wifi man came to the new house and gave me back my wifi. Shoutout to the wifi man.


Should've-been-scheduled away time

I'm currently moving into a place, so between the whole ordeal of moving and the lack of internet connection, you probably won't see any updates from me for a while. In fact, you likely won't see this one until I get connected again.

I really should've planned for this earlier.

In other news, I'm thinking of adding some sort of "what's new" thing near the top of the home page describing what changed in the last update. I'll mess around with that idea.


Site launch

PastryPurgatory is now online! I'm using Neocities for now, but like I said, this should just be a temporary thing until I get a VPS I have full reign over.

Don't worry, the site that used to be here is still here, just not front and center; you can still read the first three chapters of the Pastry ParodyMe and look at that Bingus gif.


The Capitalizationing

I've decided I want things to be capitalized properly on this site, or at least all proper nouns. It takes more effort to do the weird capitalization, and it only makes the page look worse, so I'll go through all the pages I've already made and apply proper capitalization, and use such in all future pages.

In other news, the characters page is finally complete, outside of how I now need to capitalize all of it.



I'm considering what I'm going to do for hosting. in case it isn't clear, the site isn't actually online yet, it's effectively just folder on my laptop. one idea is to host this site on the same server as an anonymous benefactor who is also hosting a web site, but I don't know if that will work the way the server is managed.

my ideal plan is to have my own vps to play with, but it's gonna be a while before I can do that, (I'm still like four years old and don't have a job,) so a good compromise would probably be to upload the site to neocities until I have free reign over a vps, and then put it up there. seems like a pretty sound plan, but I'd still like to polish things a bit before I go live; finish some pages, make a decent drawings gallery, decide weather or not I should actually capitalize words.

until that's done, though, it'll just be me writing this site for my own sake.


on capitalization

in casual writings, I usually don't capitalize letters that start a sentence, and tend to only capitalize proper nouns that refer to a person. this works fine for, say, tumblr posts, but it gets awkward in things regarding brands or software, and is probably generally bad practice, so I'll consider switching to normal, grammatically correct capitalization on this site.

it would be a hassle to go into each page and capitalize everything, though.


new year

happy new year! this is technically the first post of the year, so I think I should make a list of updates I made last year.

despite all that other work, I didn't do anything to the drawings page but fool with it. it is still presently the worst thing ever. here's to a year of a better drawings page!


realizing that there probably won't be that much content here for a while, I'm going to have the home page be an index of links to actual pages, instead of links to sub-indices.


so when I started this I was thinking I'd just put all the pages in the root folder, but I read [redacted]'s site organization article and found out that's a bad idea since I'll have unrelated pages all in the same folder, and now I want to structure this like that.

BUT that won't work because in order to link to, say, the root homepage from a page nested in 2 folders, I would have to link to ~/www/index.html, or ../../index.html, instead of just / like I think you would on a real website.

I guess the conclusion here is that I should install nginx onto my laptop so it'll work right. doing that now.

why is it throwing 403.

okay so at the cost of chmoding my homefolder which is probably a bad idea I have the server working. so lets get reorganized. also my exception to the rule of not changing previous blog sections will be to links and urls, since the link to the drawing page below is broken.


drawing page

I made a page for my drawings but haven't more than one there yet, so I should work on that.

and abrakablooie it's done, in the sense that every finished drawing is there. I should probably add a seperate gallery for scribbles and doodles, along with hover text descriptions of each drawing.


what is the bog?

here's the pitch for this thing: any updates or random thoughts go on this page under the date they were made. no static site-generating stuff or anything. if you want the news, just look and see if the newest date is newer than the old one. I expect to use my personal brand of capitalization here, but I might forego the quirk and just write like a real person. you knever know.

aside from all the other reasons to want a personal website, I'm also doing this because I think it helps organize my stuff better than tumblr. mostly because reblogs are given as much on the blog as any other post, which means that personal posts and creative works can sort of get drowned out if you're doing the right thing and reblogging every post you want others to see.

of course, tags exist, but they're unreliable, plus it just makes more sense to me to seperate big articles, drawings, and writings from textposts and status updates.

those seperate pages I speak of will likely have not much more uniform navigation than a link back to the homepage. I used to stress about having a navigation menu and banner and copyright footer on every page and having them be exactly the same like [redacted], but it was somewhat liberating to realize that my web design does not have to be consistent whatsoever. beautiful, even, to have all your previous pages maintain their style through the years.

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