I have made it through July alive! Art Fight is technically still going on, but I drew Shinx all 31 days in a row! Now that I have some more free time, (not really, the Shinx images probably took an hour a day at most and Art Fight is voluntary,) let's discuss update plans.
I'll be making pages for all the new art I made over the month, of course. I plan on building up the Writing section, too. The Characters page is huge and long outdated, so it will be dissolved and split across the different Writing pages; Mammal Cosine characters in the Mammal Cosine section, PPYY characters in the PPYY section, etc.
In addition to new stuff, there are a few already-existing things on the site that I want to improve. Namely, the Bog, and the Drawings section. The Bog is just one big page right now, and I don't like that. It makes it hard to find anything and it downloads a bunch of images and text you probably aren't gonna look at. The Drawings section has roughly the same problem, only that it's 9 big (but not as big as the Bog) pages.
The plan is to give each Bog post its own page and to have a big list of all the pages. Same with the drawings, but I want the list to have thumbnails and be split up into pages (or "paginated," as I've learned recently.) I'm working on a janky bash script to make that a whole lot easier, but it'll probably be a while before I get automatically generated lists working, so I'll just do the Bog post list manually for now.
Needless to say, I'm excited to finally do some computer stuff. Stay tuned for when I blow up my computer by writing a script that uses grep
a hundred times per second.