"need a box of little Ikea pencils to eat like candy" - tumblrposts.txt (See all quotes)
Last updated: 2025-02-27 (See all updates)
Pastry Draws - My digital art gallery
dailyshinximage - That time I drew Shinx every day for a month
Mammal Cosine - Story I haven't written yet
Characters - My original characters
Orthografoolery - Writing systems or scripts or codes I made
My computers - Information about the computers I have
Programs I use and recommend - Some software I like
Shell scripts - Unix shell scripts I made or modified (currently not for download)
The quest for good drawing programs - I try to use non-Krita programs to draw
Building a Website without Automation - (Unfinished) Making web stuff with no SSI, SSG, etc.
About - What's up with this place?
Bog - You know, the Bog. With the Bog posts.
Links - Check out these other sites!
M.M.M.M. Center - Stuff that doesn't fit elsewhere
Old Site - PastryPurgatory 1.0
Have something to say? Notice any errors I didn't? Want to use my stuff for something? Maybe you should...